Product Backlog: Definition, benefits, and implementation

What is Product Backlog?

In simple terms, product backlog is the list of everything your team needs to work on to build a product or improve it.

Essentially, we view it as a bucket list of features, bug-fixes, performance improvements, and other things that need to be done to help your customers better. Cleaning-up your product backlog, and prioritizing your product backlog is the key to success especially when you rely on product-led growth .

Difference between Product Backlog and Product Roadmap

Product Backlog → A task-level breakdown of what needs to be done to build a product or improve it. Helps the development team understand things to be done at granular level.

Product Roadmap → A high-level breakdown of what a product is going to look like in a defined timeline. Helps the customers and management teams understand the features and improvements that are coming up in the future.

Who is responsible for Product Backlog?

The Product Owner is the person who is responsible for the Product Backlog.

How many Product Backlogs can a team have?

It is always advisable to have a Product Backlog for each team. This helps teams get a clear vision on what their focus is and what they need to do.