4 Useful Github Changelog Tools and Generators for your project

4 Useful Github Changelog Tools and Generators for your project

Letting your users know what’s new in your project is essential. It increases adoption, engagement, and a sense of belonging to your project. If you are one of those who spend time writing changelog or release notes for your open source project, these Github changelog generators could save you hours worth of time.

5 useful Github Changelog Tools & Generators

Lets get down to the list of top 5 Github changelog generators that uses data from your Github repository to generate a changelog for your project. Once the changelog is generated, you have the choice to edit them, and make it better.

Pro tip: Use this free AI Changelog Generator to generate precise and engaging changelog for your product. No email required.

1. Github Changelog Generator

Product Changelog Software List

Github Changelog Generator project is the most popular open source changelog generator with over 7k stars ⭐️. Using the Github Changelog Generator is quite simple. Once you install, it is as simple as running the following code:

github_changelog_generator -u github_project_namespace -p github_project

Looks like something you would like to use for your open source project? Try Github Changelog Generator here ↗

2. Auto Changelog

Product Changelog Software List

Auto Changelog aka auto-changelog is quite popular Github Changelog Tool which comes with extensive set of options that can be configured in your project’s package.json file. The configuration is simple:

"auto-changelog": {
"output": "HISTORY.md",
"template": "keepachangelog",
"unreleased": true,
"commitLimit": false

auto-changelog also comes with some customization features like templates, file customization and release statuses as well. With about 850+ stars ⭐️, auto-changelog could be your best shot at automating product changelog on Github. Try auto-changelog here ↗ .

3. DigitalOcean’s Github Changelog Generator

Product Changelog Software List

If you are familiar with Go lang, then this Github Changelog Generator is for you. Built and open sourced by Digital Ocean, the Github Changelog Generator is built around Go. To install, run:

go get -u github.com/digitalocean/github-changelog-generator

To use this framework, you also need to generate your Github account’s authorization token and then pass it on to the github-changelog-generator while generating a changelog.

If you think you need a Go lang based changelog generator, you can get started with it here ↗

4. Spring.io’s Github Changelog Generator

Product Changelog Software List

Spring.io’s Github Changelog Generator is a Java based framework to generate changelog for your project. This framework is ideal if you are working on Java and you feel like this suits better. Built and open sourced by Spring, this framework has 81 stars ⭐️ and is updated on a regular basis.

If you are interested in using a Java based Github changelog generation tool, this one is for you. Take a look at it here ↗

I believe this would help you quickly get off-ground with writing a changelog for your open source project. On the other hand, if you need a beautiful changelog page for your project, you can sign up for a free (for open source projects) here on featureOS →

  • Authors


    Karthik Kamalakannan

    Founder and CEO

  • Published on

    Wed May 18 2022 08:51:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

  • Time to value: 3 min read

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